
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Installing Jive on CentOS Step-by-Step


This procedure walks you through step-by-step development installation of Jive 4.5, 32-bit, onto CentOS 5.5 running as a guest operating system within VMware Workstation 7.1.3.  It does not cover configuration of Jive post-install.  Installation of Jive in this procedure will occur in two distinct steps: 1) performing a custom installation of CentOS 5.5; and 2) performing a default installation of Jive SBS; additionally, this walkthrough also examines uninstallation in step 3.  For additional detail, consult the CentOS and Jive websites [1, 2].  This installation procedure follows the steps discussed in the Jive 4.5 documentation [3]. Good Luck!


Step 1: Custom Installation of CentOS 5.5

This is covered in Installing CentOS Step-by-Step.  Work through this procedure and then return here.  Working through this CentOS installation procedure leaves you with a CentOS instance having sufficient root partition space able to accomodate a Jive installation.

Step 2: Installing Jive

Register and obtain a trial version of Jive.  Copy the rpm file to your CentOS instance.  Assuming that you copied it to your CentOS desktop enter the following commands:
# cd Desktop
# cp -p jive_sbs_employee- /usr/local/src
# cd /usr/local/src
These series of commands copy the rpm package to a standard storage area.  Now, run the command that launches the installation:
# rpm -ihv jive_sbs_employee-
If you performed the CentOS installation procedure discussed above, you may experience a configuration error:

The error description informs you what you need to do to resolve it.  The first task is to edit the limits.conf file.  Enter the following command:
# gedit /etc/security/limits.conf
gedit opens to the file:

Save a copy of this file as limits.conf.original.  Then close gedit.  This saves the original in case you need to restore it.  Then rerun the command to open gedit to the same file again.  Scroll down to just after the <domain> <type> headers.  Then enter the following two lines just as stated in the error message:
*    soft    nofile  8192
*    hard    nofile  65535
Use the Tab and space keys to align things more nicely.  After making these edits, you should see something like the following (highlighted):

Save the file, and then exit.  Now, edit the second file.  Enter the following command:
# gedit /etc/pam.d/login
This opens the gedit text editor:

As before save a copy of this file as login.original.  Then close gedit.  Rerun the same command again and then add the following lines at the end of this file:
# added for Jive
session    required     /lib/security/
Use the space key as needed to make things align as desired.  After making these edits, you should have something like that shown below (highlighted):

Save and exit gedit.  Then logout and log back in to your CentOS instance.  Open a terminal, and then enter the following commands:
# cd /usr/local/src
# rpm -ihv jive_sbs_employee-
The installation will now proceed normally.

You may see warnings regarding RAM and CPU resources:

These can be ignored, for this walkthrough, given that we are not installing a production version of Jive but a development version.  Once the installation is completed, you will see the following:

Now to launch Jive.  First find out what the IP address is.  Enter the following command:
# ifconfig
This will return IP configuration information for your CentOS instance:

In this case the IP address is  Now open a browser and point it to this IP address.  Your browser will open to the first page of Jive configuration.

This completes Jive installation. Now, let's walkthrough unistallation.

Step 3: Uninstalling Jive

Jive SBS can be uninstalled using either the Add/Remove Software tool GUI, or using RPM commands.  Whichever tool is used, some manual cleanup will still be needed.  Let's first walkthrough unstallation using the GUI.

On the Gnome panel, point to Applications, and then select Add/Remove Software.  Select the Search tab, enter "Jive, and then click Search.

Uncheck the Jive item, and then click Apply.  Uninstallation proceeds.

Then uninstallation completes.

Just as a check, go back to the Add/Remove Software tool, and perform another search on "Jive."  Nothing will appear.

Now, after performing an uninstall this way, there is still some minor manual cleanup that needs to be performed.  However, before this is looked at, let's first look at performing an uninstallation using RPM commands.

Open a terminal.  At the prompt, enter the following command:
rpm -e jive_sbs
The uninstallation routine commences.

Whichever method is used, there is still a minor post uninstallation task that should be performed.  If you don't perform this step, and you perform a subsequent re-installation, you will see some warnings during the installation:

To avoid these issues, do the following.  Open a terminal, and then enter the following command:
rm -rf /usr/local/jive
This removes the Jive rpm destination directory.


That's all there is to Jive installation.  Congratulations and Happy Computing!

  1. CentOS
  2. Jive SBS
  3. Jive Documentation: Installing the Linux Package


  1. Where can i get a copy of the .RPM file shown, can't get it from the offical jive site for some reason?

  2. Hi: the RPM is not available free. Jive is a proprietary system. You can obtain a 30-day demo version that supports up to 5 users. To get it, just go to the Jive website and fill out the appropriate form.
