
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Installing Openfire and Integrating it with Jive SBS


This step-by-step procedure walks you through installation and integration of the Openfire 3.7.0 chat infrastructure server with Jive SBS 4.0. Openfire is an open source application that implements the XMPP server protocol. It supports instant messaging capabilities for Jive SBS. Integrating Openfire with Jive SBS involves three primary steps: 1) configuring the Jive SBS Real-Time Connection; 2) installing Openfire; and 3) configuring Openfire.


Step 1: Configuring the Jive SBS Real-Time Connection

Connect to the Jive SBS Admin console, and the go System > Real-Time. The Real-Time Integration page appears.

NOTE: In version 4.5, Real-Time Integration functionality has been packaged as a separate plug-in.  Thus, you won't see the Real-Time Integration page, when going to the Admin console.  To regain this functionality, install the Jive Connects Plugin for Openfire. You will then see the Real-Time tab again.
Click the connection page link. The Real Time – Connection Settings page appears.

Enter the Shared Secret: [enter any word]

Click the Save Shared Secret button. A green message bar will appear. You will then need to restart the Jive SBS instance in order for the new shared secret to take effect.

Logout of the Jive SBS Admin console.

In a terminal on the server hosting the Jive SBS instance, logon as the Jive user:
$ sudo su - jive
Stop the Jive SBS service:
[jive]# ./bin/appstop -v
Start the Jive SBS service:
[jive]# ./bin/appstart -v
Check the Jive SBS service status:
[jive]# service jive-application status
This completes configuration of the Shared Secret key for Openfire integration. You will need this key in order to integrate Openfire and Jive SBS. In the next section, you will install Openfire.

Step 2: Install Openfire

Logon to the target server

Download the RPM for Red Hat Linux and variants from the Openfire website. For this procedure, the downloaded file name is openfire-3.7.0-1.i386.rpm.

Logon to root:
[user]$ sudo su - root
Copy the RPM to /opt or /usr/bin:
[root]# cp /[path to file]/openfire-3.7.0-1.i386.rpm /opt
Unpack the installation file:
[root]# rpm –ivh openfire-3.7.0-1.i386.rpm
Start the service:
[root]# sudo /sbin/service openfire start
Check the service:
[root]# service openfire status
This completes Openfire installation. The next section walks you through Openfire configuration. You’ll need the Shared Secret key in order to complete this section.

Step 3: Configure Openfire

Open a browser, and then connect it to http://[targetservername]:9090. The Welcome to Setup page appears.

Choose English, and then click Continue. The Server Settings page appears.

Accept defaults, and then click Continue. The Database Settings page appears.

Choose the Embedded Database option, and then click Continue. The Profile Settings page appears.

Select the Clearspace Integration option, and then click Continue. The Profile Settings: Clearspace Integration page appears.

Enter the following:
Then click the Test Settings button. A success message should appear. If not, check the settings you entered and try again.

Click Close. You will be returned to the main page.

Click Continue. The Setup Complete page appears.

Click Login to the admin console. The login page appears.

The Server Information page appears. This completes installation and configuration of the Openfire tool.

Step 4: Uninstallation

Stop the running Openfire process

Delete the Openfire scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and/or /etc/init.d/

Delete the Openfire installation directory

E.g., /usr/local/openfire OR /opt/openfire OR [yourCustomInstallDirectory]

Delete the launch daemon in /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jivesoftware.openfire.plist

Delete Openfire preferences /Library/PreferencePanes/Openfire.prefpane

Reboot the machine

Step 5: Troubleshooting Openfire Wizard Setup

The Openfire database schema does not appear to be installed.

Once you begin the Openfire configuration wizard, it’s best to complete it right through without navigating backwards to previous pages.  If you should do this, and if you should need to navigate back to the Database Settings page, you may experience a database schema error may be presented on the page, after clicking the Continue button.

To get around this, just open a terminal on the server hosting Openfire, and then restart the Openfire instance.  You can do this by executing one of the following commands:
[root]# /etc/init.d/openfire reload
Then try running the setup wizard again.


Congratulations!  You have established a chat infrastructure for your environment and integrated it with the Jive SBS collaboration platform.

  • TBD

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