
Sunday, October 21, 2012

TIP: Set Unique Item Permissions for a SharePoint 2010 List


SharePoint 2010 allows you to set permissions not only for a list, but also for individual rows within that list.  This can be useful, for example, when building mashups and dashboards and needing to appropriately secure the source list data feeding into the mashup or dashboard so that users see only that data in the mashup they are supposed to see.  These unique permissions follow this row where ever it may appear.  For example, if you develop a custom page and use the Dataview web part to present data from a list having unique row permissions, users connecting to this page will only see those list rows displayed in the dataview that they are supposed to see.  Let's get started.


1) Go to the target list.

2) Go to the list item for which you want to set unique row permissions.

3) Open the list item's action menu

4) Select Manage Permissions from this menu.  This takes you to the Permissions page for that row.

5) Look for the Stop Inheriting Permissions button in the ribbon.

6) Click this button.  A prompt will appear.

7) Click Yes.  The prompt closes and you are returned to the Permissions page.  Note that now you can select users and security groups and your function buttons in the ribbon have changed.  You can now change the row permissions uniquely from the parent list.


In this Tip, you were shown how to set unique permissions for a row - permissions different from the parent list.  Setting unique row permissions can be useful in those cases where you need to ensure that users see only that data they are suppose to see. These unique permissions follow the row item where ever it may appear, even when you custom develop pages and webparts to display list data.


  • If you add users and groups to a row item permissions that were not originally included in the parent list permissions, these will be added to the parent list.


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