
Monday, October 14, 2013

PowerShell script snippets for common SharePoint 2010 operations


Below are PowerShell script snippets that are frequently used and frequently forgotten.   Note that PowerShell scripts for interacting with SharePoint must be either done through the SharePoint Management Shell or by first running the command, Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell, in the PowerShell window.

Export a document library
# The URL to the document library is
# http:/
Export-SPweb -Identity http:/
-ItemURL "Shared%20Documents/forms/AllItems.aspx" -Path C:\test.cmp

NOTE: to force the export to create a single file, use the -Force parameter.
Get a site list
$sourceWebURL = http://spdev12/northwind
$sourceListName = "Products"
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $sourceWebURL
$SourceList = $SourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName]
Count the rows in a list freshly retrieved from a site
$sourceWebURL = http://spdev12/northwind
$sourceListName = "Products"
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $sourceWebURL
$SourceList = $SourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName]
$Items = $SourceList.Items
$Count = $Items.Count
Get a site list then filter it based upon a column value
$sourceWebURL = http://spdev12/northwind
$sourceListName = "Products"
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $sourceWebURL
$SourceList = $SourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName]
$SourceItems = $SourceList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like '*Beverages*'}
Count the rows in a site list that has been filtered by some column value
$sourceWebURL = http://spdev12/northwind
$sourceListName = "Products"
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $sourceWebURL
$SourceList = $SourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName]
$SourceItems = $SourceList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like '*Beverages*'}
List the fields in a list
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb http://spdev12/northwind
$Sourcelist = $SourceWeb .Lists["mylist"]
$Sourcelist.Fields | sort Title | FT Title,StaticName,ID -AutoSize
Iterate through all items (rows) in a list
$sourceListName = "Products"
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $sourceWebURL
$SourceList = $SourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName]
$SourceItems = $SourceList.Items
$SourceItems | ForEach-Object {
     Write-Host $_['ID']
     Write-Host $_['Title']
Get an item in a list by its ID value
$SourceItems = $SourceList.GetItemById("1")
$SourceItems = $SourceList.Items | where {$_['ID'] -eq 1}
Cast a variable as a string
$var = 1,000
[string]$MyString = $var.ToString()
List the Properties and Methods of a Command or Object
[Object] | Get-Member
Iterate through each item in a site list and revise it
$sourceListName = "Products"
$SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $sourceWebURL
$SourceList = $SourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName]
$SourceItems = $SourceList.items
foreach($item in $SourceItems)
  if($item["Title"] -eq "My first item!")
  $item["Title"] = "My first edited item!"
Extract list A totals by category and then store these totals in list B
$SiteURL = "http://spdev12/northwind" $ListName = "Products" $Site = Get-SPWeb $SiteURL $SiteList = $Site.Lists[$ListName] $TotalValueBeverages = 0 $TotalValueCondiments = 0 $TotalValueConfections = 0 $TotalValueDairyProducts = 0 $TotalValueGrainsCereals = 0 $TotalValueMeatPoultry = 0 $TotalValueProduce = 0 $TotalValueSeafood = 0 $BadResult = $FALSE [int]$Count = 0 $SiteList.Items | ForEach-Object { $Count = $Count + 1 if ($_['Category'] -Like '*Beverages*') { $TotalValueBeverages = $TotalValueBeverages + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Condiments*') { $TotalValueCondiments = $TotalValueCondiments + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Confections*') { $TotalValueConfections = $TotalValueConfections + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Dairy Products*') { $TotalValueDairyProducts = $TotalValueDairyProducts + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Grains/Cereals*') { $TotalValueGrainsCereals = $TotalValueGrainsCereals + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Meat/Poultry*') { $TotalValueMeatPoultry = $TotalValueMeatPoultry + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Produce*') { $TotalValueProduce = $TotalValueProduce + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } elseif ($_['Category'] -Like '*Seafood*') { $TotalValueSeafood = $TotalValueSeafood + $_['UnitsInStock'] * $_['UnitPrice'] } else { $BadResult = $TRUE } } #Some convenient error checking to the console... Write-Host ("TotalValueBeverages: " + $TotalValueBeverages.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueCondiments: " + $TotalValueCondiments.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueConfections: " + $TotalValueConfections.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueDairyProducts: " + $TotalValueDairyProducts.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueGrainsCereals: " + $TotalValueGrainsCereals.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueMeatPoultry: " + $TotalValueMeatPoultry.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueProduce: " + $TotalValueProduce.ToString()) Write-Host ("TotalValueSeafood: " + $TotalValueSeafood.ToString()) Write-Host ("BadResult: " + $BadResult.ToString()) Write-Host ("Count: " + $Count.ToString()) $SiteURL = "http://spdev12/northwind" $ListName = "TotalInvByCat" $Site = Get-SPWeb $SiteURL $SiteList = $Site.Lists[$ListName] $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Beverages*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueBeverages $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Condiments*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueCondiments $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Confections*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueConfections $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Dairy Products*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueDairyProducts $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Grains/Cereals*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueGrainsCereals $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Meat/Poultry*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueMeatPoultry $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Produce*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueProduce $ListItem.Update() $ListItem = $SiteList.Items | Where {$_['Category'] -Like "*Seafood*"} $ListItem["TotalInvValue"] = $TotalValueSeafood $ListItem.Update()
Add User Account or Group to Farm Configuration Database
Add-SPShellAdmin -UserName [domain]\[AccountName]
Get the SharePoint 2010 Product Key
function Get-SP2010ProductKey {    
    $value = (get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration\{90140000-110D-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}").digitalproductid[0x34..0x42]  
    $ProductKey = "" 
    for ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) { 
      $r = 0 
      for ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) { 
        $r = ($r * 256) -bxor $value[$j] 
        $value[$j] = [math]::Floor([double]($r/24)) 
        $r = $r % 24 
      $ProductKey = $map[$r] + $ProductKey
      if (($i % 5) -eq 0 -and $i -ne 0) { 
        $ProductKey = "-" + $ProductKey
#Call the function
Get the farm build version
List all software updates
Get-WmiObject -Class "win32_Quickfixengineering"
List all Websites for a site collection
function ListAllWebsites() {
write-host "Please enter the site url"
$url = read-host
$Site = Get-SPWeb($url)
ForEach ($Web in $Site.Site.AllWebs) 
   Write ($Web.Title+","+$Web.Name+","+$Web.Created+","+$Web.Author+","+$Web.Url)
List all Checked Out Documents in a Site Collection
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") function CheckedOutItems() { write-host "Please enter the site url" $url = read-host write ("SiteURL`t" + "FileName`t" + "CheckedOutTo`t" + "ModifiedDate`t"+"Version") $site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url) $webs = $site.AllWebs foreach($web in $webs) { $listCollections = $web.Lists foreach($list in $listCollections) { if ($list.BaseType.ToString() -eq "DocumentLibrary") { $dList = [Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPDocumentLibrary]$list $items = $dList.Items $files = $dList.CheckedOutFiles foreach($file in $files) { $wuse = $file.DirName.Substring($web.ServerRelativeUrl.Length) Write($web.Url+"`t"+$wuse+"`/"+$file.LeafName+"`t"+$file.CheckedOutBy.Name+"`t"+$file.TimeLastModified.ToString()+"`t"+"No Checked In Version" ) } foreach($item in $items) { if ($item["Checked Out To"] -ne $null) { $splitStrings = $item["Checked Out To"].ToString().Split('#') Write ($web.Url+ "`t" + $item.Url + "`t" + $splitStrings[1].ToString() + "`t" + $item["Modified"].ToString() +"`t" + $item["Version"].ToString()) } } } } $web.Dispose() } $site.Dispose() } CheckedOutItems
List Installed Features on Windows Server 2012
Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Installed}
Disable Loopback Check
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name "DisableLoopbackCheck" -value "1" -PropertyType dword

Get a list of application pools and their service accounts
Get ordered list of all files in a folder
Get-ChildItem [path]\*.* | Sort-Object CreationTime

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