You attempt to activate the Publishing feature for a SharePoint 2010 site,
but experience the following error:
This experience is by design. To resolve this problem, follow the guidance suggested in the error message. Rename the existing Images folder:
Then try activating the site's Publishing feature again.
After the feature has been activated, you will see a new Images library for the site
You attempt to activate the Publishing feature for a SharePoint 2010 site,
but experience the following error:
The feature failed to activate because a list at 'PublishingImages' already exists in this site. Delete or rename the list and try activating the feature again.You then check All Content for the site and do not find any images library named PublishingImages, but only a standard Images library,
This experience is by design. To resolve this problem, follow the guidance suggested in the error message. Rename the existing Images folder:
Then try activating the site's Publishing feature again.
After the feature has been activated, you will see a new Images library for the site
Thanks! Helped me with Sharepoint 2013.