
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SharePoint 2013: there was an error during installation


You are attempting to install SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisites to a Windows Server 2012 virtual machine on Hyper-V.  The server has Internet access.  You run PrerequisiteInstaller as Administrator.  Part way through the installation process, the prerequisite installer stops and displays the usual prerequisite installation error dialog:

  1. Action: Reviewed prerequisite installer log file.
    1. Results: saw the following error in this file:
      Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role.
  2. Action: Searched for this error text.
    1. Results: references 1 and 2 (below) seemed to suggest for my environment that this error involved PrerequisiteInstaller not being able to access the Internet to download appropriate prerequisites. 
  3. Action: opened browser and connected to known accessible website.
    1. Result: successfully connected to website.
    2. Observation: Internet connectivity established, but noted that IE Enhanced Security Settings were enabled.  Perhaps IE Enhanced Security Settings might play a role.
  4. Action: disabled IE Enhanced Security Settings, and then re-ran PrerequisiteInstaller.
    1. Result: still failed.
    2. Observation: perhaps Firewall played a role.
  5. Action: Checked Firewall settings for target server and also for production server currently running older instance of SharePoint (2010).
    1. Results: firewall was set to default settings on target server and on server currently running older instance. Recalled that a development instance was successfully installed without changing default firewall settings.
    2. Observation: firewall settings not likely the cause.  Internet connectivity not likely the cause.
  6. Action: searched again for error text.
    1. Results: reference 3 seemed to suggest that the issue may be permissions-related; considered tweaking GPO, but wanted to avoid making such modifications.  References 4, 5 and 6 seemed to indicate that for some reason the PrerequisiteInstaller was not able to install the Application Server and Web Server (IIS) roles on Windows Server 2012 and that therefore these should be installed manually.
  7. Actions: Added Application Server and Web Server roles per reference 6; then re-ran PrerequisiteInstaller.
    1. Results: still failed, but noted that PrerequisiteInstaller seemed to run for longer period before failing.
  8. Actions: searched again for error text.
    1. Results: reference 7 seemed to indicate that perhaps just need to run aspnet_regiis -enable -i, but for .NET version 4.0.  I recalled that I have had to do this for previous 2010 installations that experienced problems on installation and this resolved it.
  9. Action: ran aspnet_regiis -enable -i command, at console, as administrator.
    1. Results: the command did not fail, but simply presented help instructions.
  10. Action: searched again for error text.
    1. Results: found reference 8.  Copy of PrerequisiteInstaller log file was displayed in reference.  This log file included the original error message I identified above (see step 1, above).  Additionally, it highlighted an error message that I had apprently overlooked: Error when enabling ASP.NET v4.0.30319.  This reference also had a link to another reference, 9, which was touted as the solution.
  11. Action: Performed the steps in reference 9.  These steps added ASP.NET 3.5. 
    1. Results: Installed.
  12. Action: restarted PrerequisiteInstaller.exe.
    1. Results: completed without issue.
  • Prior to running the PrerequisiteInstaller, install the Application and Web Server roles manually.  During the installation of the Web Server role, be sure to check the ASP.NET 3.5 feature.
  1. SharePoint 2013: Install Prerequisites Offline or Manually on Windows Server 2012 - A Comprehensive Guide
  2. The Products Preparation Tool in SharePoint Server 2013 may not progress past "Configuring Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
  3. SharePoint 2013 Pre requisites install fail, Error: The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
  4. SharePoint 2013 pre-requisite: Application and Web Server Role configuration error
  5. Installing SharePoint 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2 *RTM*
  6. Installing SharePoint 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview
  7. The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
  8. Trying to install SharePoint 2013 on server 2012 Unable to install the application to web server IIS
  9. IIS 8.0 Using ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5
  10. SharePoint 2013 SP1 support in Windows Server 2012 R2
  11. Error The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server IIS Role Last return code 0X41D=1053.

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