
Saturday, October 18, 2014

SharePoint 2013: How to fully uninstall Workflow Manager 1.0


This posting walks through the process of completely removing the Workflow Manager 1.0 subsystem (and related components) from a SharePoint 2013 farm.  All references used in developing this procedure are listed below.
NOTE: completing this process will not remove any 2013 workflows that have been created and deployed to the target SharePoint 2013 farm.  2013 workflows are stored in the appropriate content databases, just as 2010 workflows are.  Restoring your 2013 workflows is easily accomplished using Designer 2013.  See SharePoint 2013: how to restore Workflow Manager 1.0 workflows in the event of a disaster  for details.

The Workflow Manager 1.0 subsystem, when fully installed to a SharePoint 2013 farm, consists of the following components:
  • Databases:
    • SbGatewayDatabase
    • SbManagement
    • SbMessageContainer01
    • WFInstanceManagement
    • WFManagement
    • WFResourceAutomation
  • Software:
    • Microsoft Web Platform Installer 4.6
    • Service Bus 1.0
    • Windows Fabric
    • Workflow Manager 1.0
    • Workflow Manager Client 1.0
  • SharePoint Service Applications
    • Workflow Service Application Proxy
  • Application Folders
    • Application Folder: C:\Program Files\Workflow Manager\
  • Registry Keys
    • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Workflow Manager
    • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Service Bus
  • Certificates
    • WorkflowOutbound
    • SSL
    • Encryption (can be the same certificate as used for SSL)
    • AppServerGeneratedSBCA
All of these components, except for the Microsoft Web Platform Installer 4.6, registry keys and certificates, must be removed.  The following procedure shows you how.

  1. Leave the farm
    1. Launch the Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard as administrator.  Only this one option will be listed.
    2. Copy the current configuration for later reference.
  2. Uninstall Software
    1. Workflow Manager 1.0
    2. Workflow Manager 1.0 Client
    3. Windows Fabric
    4. Service Bus 1.0
  3. Remove Databases
    1. SbMessageContainer01
    2. SbGateway
    3. SbManagement
    4. WFInstanceManagement
    5. WFManagement
    6. WFResourceManagement
  4. Remove Service Application
    1. Workflow Service Application Proxy
  5. Remove application folder
    1. C:\Program Files\Workflow Manager\
  1. Getting started with SharePoint Server 2013 workflow
  2. Install and configure workflow for SharePoint Server 2013
  3. Uninstalling/Removing SharePoint 2013 Workflow Manager Farm
  4. Uninstall Workflow manager client
  5. what is opposite of "Register-SPWorkflowService"???
  6. Workflow Manager
    1. Configuring Workflow Manager 1.0 using Configuration Wizard
      1. Leaving a Farm
    2. Configuring Workflow Manager 1.0 using PowerShell
      1. Managing Farms and Nodes (Workflow Manager 1.0)
      2. Managing Certificates (Workflow Manager 1.0)
    3. Installing Workflow Manager 1.0
      1. Uninstalling Workflow
  7. Workflow in SharePoint Server 2013 FAQ
  8. How to uninstall Workflow Manager 1.0 when the command ‘Remove-WFHost’ does not work
  9. Workflow Manager Farms for SharePoint 2013 Part One: Core Concepts, High Availability, Certificate and SharePoint considerations
  10. Error when running workflow form list item - workflow manager SharePoint 2013
  11. Export SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow XAML
  12. Workflow development in SharePoint Designer 2013 and Visio 2013
  13. Understanding how to package and deploy workflow in SharePoint 2013
  14. Exporting Certificates to Client Machines (Workflow Manager 1.0)
  15. SharePoint 2013: how to restore Workflow Manager 1.0 workflows in the event of a disaster
  • Uninstallation took approximately one hour, including taking screen shots and writing notes of the process.
  • The uninstallation was undertaken to address an issue that presented after installing the September 2014 CU.  The issue resulted in the Workflow Manager Backend service repeatedly stopping and then restarting.  This seemed to have caused all 2013 workflows to perform sluggishly or not at all.  After working through several possible solutions, the remaining one was to uninstall and then re-install the entire Workflow Manager 1.0 subsystem.  This resolved the problem.

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