During routine system checks, you discover numerous instances of the following warning occurring in the Search subsystem crawl log:
The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size. ( Item truncated. Field=body, Occurrences=121961, Chars=524290; ; SearchID = [ID string] )
- Checked MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreForRetrieval property: executed this commandlet
(Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)).MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreForRetrieval
This returned 2097152, which is greater than the Chars count in the warning. This value is in bytes. - Checked MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex property: executed this commandlet:
(Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)).MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex
This returned 0. This value is in bytes. - Increased MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex property: executed this script
$prop=Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)
$prop.Update() - Checked Crawl Log for number of warnings: found 1405.
- Set three instances of this warning to be recrawled and then launched incremental crawl: see Notes below for steps.
- Checked Crawl Log for number of warnings: found 1402.
- Set all instances of warning to be re-crawled and then launched incremental crawl.
- Checked Crawl Log for number of warnings: found only 1271. This indicates that 134 instances of this warning were resolved by increasing the MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex value.
- Increase the value of MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex to something greater than the Occurrences value in the warning message.
- TechNet
- Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty
- Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
- Software boundaries and limits for SharePoint 2013: scroll down to the Search: item size limits section; then look in the table, fourth and fifth rows for specific discussions on the properties engaged above.
- Attachment size crawl issue
- DocParser error in SharePoint 2013 Search
- ManagedProperty. MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreForRetrieval
- ManagedProperty.MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex
- Search Forum: The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size
- Waldek Mastykarz:
- SharePoint StackExchange:
- Network Steve
- ShiPoint
- SharePoint Republic
- To re-crawl an item appearing in the crawl log, perform these steps:
- Go to the Search Administration page
- Click Crawl Log (left quicklinks area)
- In the Warnings column, click on the number that appears there
- Hover the cursor over one of the instances of the warning: a dropdown bar appears
- Click it and then select Recrawl this item in the next crawl.
- Chars: this value, in the warning message, indicates how much data is returned from the query.
- The MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreForRetrieval managed property relates to this,
- Occurrences: this value indicates how much data may actually be stored in the index.
- The MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex managed property relates to this.
- After setting all remaining instances to be re-crawled, I found that six remained and that re-crawling these six was not affected by the change in the MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex value. Still not clear why that is.