Friday, June 16, 2017

SharePoint 2013: Some or all identity references could not be translated


Experienced the following error after navigating to the Configure service accounts page:
Re-attempted several times to navigate to the page, but without success.  Began troubleshooting.


  1. Performed search on error text, "Some or all identity references could not be translated."
  2. Identified potentially applicable posting, FarmCredentialManagement.aspx, by Nelson Lamprecht.  
  3. Opened elevated SharePoint Management Shell
  4. Executed commandlet, Get-SPManagedAccount | ft -auto, Two farm service accounts were listed: an older one and its replacement.  The older one had been previously removed from Active Directory, but it still appeared in SharePoint.
  5. Executed commandlet, Get-SPManagedAccount -Identity "DOMAIN\Service.Account.srv" | Remove-SPManagedAccount
  6. Re-executed Get-SPManagedAccount | ft -auto,  No accounts are listed that have null password expiration.
  7. Re-attempted to navigate to the Configure service accounts page, and this time was successful.


  1. List managed accounts.
  2. Identify the account(s) having null PasswordExpiration.
  3. Remove those management accounts having null PasswordExpiration.


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