Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Setup Anonymous User in JIRA Step-by-step


In this step-by-step walkthrough, you will be shown how to fully implement an anonymous user in JIRA.  Setting up Anonymous User in JIRA involves three discrete steps: 1) configuring the permission scheme, 2) configuring the field configuration scheme, and 3) configuring the default assignee.  Each of these steps is presented here.  Additionally, you'll also perform a fourth step involving test and verification of the implementation.  All references used in this walkthrough are listed below in the References section.  Good luck!


Step 1: Configure Permission Scheme

Open JIRA.  From the Administration menu, select your target project.  The main project page appears.

Look for Permission Scheme, and then click Edit.  The Edit Permissions - Default Permission Scheme page appears.

In the Project Permissions table, look for Browse Projects, and then click Add.

For my project, I want anonymous users to be able to create issues and also to browse projects.  Using the CTRL key, select both of these.  Then, to the right, select the Group radio button, and make sure that the Anyone group is selected.

Then click the Update button.  The settings will be saved, and your browser will be navigated back to the Edit Permissions - Default Permission Scheme page.  If you check the Browse Projects and Create Issues project permissions, you'll see that these have been updated to include the Anyone group.

Step 2: Configure Field Configuration Scheme

Go back to the main project page.  Look for Field Configuration Scheme, and then click System Default Field Configuration.  The View Field Configuration page appears.  Note: if you have Secure Administrator Sessions enabled, you will need to login in order to proceed to this page.

Scroll down the table until you see the Reporter row.  Note that it currently indicates Required.  You'll need to change this.

Click the Optional, in the third column over.  The page will refresh.  If you then scroll down to the Reporter row again, you'll see that this link has now changed to Required.  Note: you may need to refresh the page again in order to see this link updated.

Step 3: Configure the Default Assignee

You can configure the default assignee as either a user or as Unassigned.  You'll review both options here.  Let's start with Unassigned.

From the Administration menu, select your target project.  On the left navigation bar, under Global Settings, look for the Global Configuration link.

Click General Configuration.  A page appears listing general configuration settings.

Scroll down until you see the Options table.  Look for the Allow unassigned issues item. 

By default, this is set to OFF.  To enable it, click Edit Configuration, at the bottom of this page.

Make the change, and then click the Update button at the bottom of the page.  If you take a look, the setting will have been changed.

Now, lets review configuring a user as the default assignee.  From the Administration menu, select the target project.  Look for Permission Scheme.  Click Edit.  The Edit Permissions - Default Permission Scheme page appears.  Scroll down the table until you see the Assignable User row.

Click Add.  The Add New Permission page appears.  Select the Single User radio button, at right, and then enter or select the user that you want to be the assigned user.  Also, even though the Assignable User permission is selected by default, at left, be sure to click on it once.  This actually sets it.

Now click the Add button, at bottom.  The browser is navigated back to the Edit Permissions - Default Permission Scheme page.  Scroll down a bit until you see the Assignable User issue permission.  Note that now a specific user is also shown (in this case test1).

That's it.  You're done.  In the next and final step, you will perform a test on this change to verify its implementation.  For this test, the Assigned User option was implemented and will be tested.

Step 4: Verification

Exit out of the browser instance you used to configure JIRA.  Then open a new browser instance and point it to the JIRA main page, but don't login just yet.

In the upper right-hand corner, look for Create Issue.  Click on this.  A small popup will appear, requesting additional information.

Select the project and type of issue, and then click Create.

Enter the information as desired for your test.

When done, click the Create button, at bottom.  The browser will be navigated to a page displaying the new issue.

Congratulations!  This completes this walkthrough.  Happy coding!

  • This walkthrough was performed using JIRA 4.3.3 installed in stand-alone configuration on CentOS 5.5 running as a guest OS in VMware Workstation 7.1.4.
  • Whether going with Unassigned or setting up a default assignee, you can configure alerts that will be triggered regardless.  Alerts are triggered on state changes.  To learn more about configuring alerts, see the link in the References section, above.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to install Sun Java 1.6 onto CentOS 5.5


In this step-by-step walkthrough, you will install Sun Java JRE 1.6.0_25 onto CentOS 5.5.  CentOS comes available with openJDK, an open source Java version.  Some applications (such as JIRA) may not be fully compatible with this version and require the standard Sun JRE or JDK to function properly. Sun Java is not available via YUM.  Installing Sun Java on CentOS is simple, but there are some wrinkles that, if not properly addressed, will cause some needless troubleshooting.  These steps are not fully discussed by the Sun Java installation instructions.


Download the Linux binary (not the rpm.bin version).

Create a new directory:

mkdir /opt/java

Copy the binary into this new directory

Change the permissions of the binary:

chmod 755 /opt/java/jre-6u25-linux-i586.bin

Launch the binary:


NOTE: you will not experience a license prompt while this is executing - this is a variation from the Sun Java instructions for this.

Verify that the java directory was created:

ls -l /opt/java

You should see this:


Change java directory permissions to allow all user access:

chmod 755 /opt/java

Create a new global environment variable for Java with system-wide access:

gedit /etc/profile.d/java.sh

or use

vi /etc/profile.d/java.sh
Add the following lines to this file:

export JRE_HOME=/opt/java/jre1.6.0_25
export PATH=$PATH:$JRE_HOME/bin

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jre1.6.0_25

export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

Save and exit.

Verify that the new file has been created:

ls -l /etc/profile.d

One of the items listed should be the following:


Load this new global environment variable:

source /etc/profile.d/java.sh

Verify that the new environment variables are active:


This should return (for this procedure):


Repeat this process for the other global environment variables you created.

Or check for all Java environment variables:

env or printenv

Configure alternatives:

alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/jre1.6.0_25/bin/java 2

Now select which Java is default:

alternatives --config java

This returns

  Selection    Command
+ 1           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk/bin/java
   2           /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.4.2-gcj/bin/java
   3           /opt/java/jre1.6.0_25/bin/java

Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number:

Select 3, or which ever number is associated with the version just installed.

Verify configuration:

java -version

This will return:

java version "1.6.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode, sharing)

This completes this procedure on Sun Java installation to CentOS 5.5.

  • None

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Intalling the Default Apache HTTP Server on CentOS Step-by-Step


In this step-by-step walkthrough, you will install and configure the default Apache HTTPD server on CentOS 5.5.  This default web server is available for installation and configuration, after including the Server and Server GUI package groups during a CentOS 5.5 installation.  Total time to completion is approximately 15 minutes.  Good luck!


On CentOS, an Apache HTTPD server will likely already have been installed.  A simple check can verify this.  Open a terminal, and then enter the following:
httpd -v
This command will print the version and patch level of the installed httpd server. 

To find out more about this command and its arguments, enter: man httpd.

Though the Apache httpd web server is installed, it has not yet been started nor fully configured.  First, let's check to see what the current boot configuration for the httpd service is.  You'll use the chkconfig utility [1, 2].  At the terminal prompt, enter the following:
chkconfig --list httpd
This returns the httpd service status for each of the various runlevels [3].  Note the configuration for runlevels 2, 3, and 5.  This service needs to be started at boot for runlevels 2, 3, and 5.  Therefore, at the prompt, enter the following:
chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
Runlevel 3 is multi-user text mode and 5 is multi-user graphic mode.  2 I'm not sure about: it's user-defined, but I'm not aware of the definition in this context.  Maybe a reader can assist.  Anway, after running this command, check the status again using the previous command.  You should see something like the following:

Now let's start the web service.  You'll use the service command.  You can use the graphical Services Configuration tool as well [4], but executing a command is much faster.  First, check it's status.  Enter the following command:
service httpd status
This returns that the service is stopped.

Now enter the following command [5]:
service httpd start
This starts the service.

TIP: to learn more about the service command, enter man service at the prompt.
Now to configure the Apache HTTP server service.  This can be done either using commands or using the graphical interface tool.  We'll use the tool here.  On the Gnome panel, go System > Administration > Server Settings > HTTP.

The HTTP tool appears [6].  On this tool, enter the fully qualified domain name.  Select the All available addresses... item listed in the Available Address list.

Click Edit.  The Edit an address... tool appears.  Select the Address option, and then enter the server's IP address.

Click OK.  The tool closes, and you are returned to the HTTP tool, with the revised address now listed.

All other settings can be left as default. Additionally, SSL is not addressed in this walkthrough.  Click OK.  A prompt will appear.

Click Yes.  Another prompt will appear.

Click Yes again.  The configuration directive changes you have made are saved to the Apache HTTP Server configuration file, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.  Now, restart the HTTP service.  Enter the following:
service httpd restart
This restarts the service, causing your configuration changes to be implemented.

Lastly, launch a web browser and then point it to your server IP:

Congratulations!  This completes this step-by-step walkthrough of installing and configuring the default Apache HTTP server onto CentOS 5.5.  Happy computing!


httpd dead but subsys locked

You may see this error after using the Services Configuration tool to restart the HTTP server.

As a check, exit and re-open the Services Configuration tool, and then scroll down and select the httpds service again.  If the status is now httpd (pid 21123) is running, you can ignore the subsystem lock error.

  1. Runlevel Utilities - Red Hat Linux Deployment Guide - Section 1.4.2
  2. chkconfig - Red Hat Linux 5 Deployment Guide - Section 16.5
  3. Runlevels - Red Hat Linux 4 Reference Guide - Section 1.4.1
  4. Services Configuration Tool - Red Hat Linux 5 Deployment Guide - Section 17.3
  5. Starting and Stopping httpd - Red Hat Linux 5 Deployment Guide - Section 23.3
  6. Apache HTTP Server Configuration - Red Hat Linux 5 Deployment Guide - Section 23.4

How to Configure basic Network in CentOS Step-by-Step


This step-by-step procedure walks you through basic configuration of an ethernet network device in CentOS 5.5.  Specifically, you will configure the default network interface with a static IP.  A number of tutorials on this subject can be found [1-3].  This step-by-step walkthrough presents a focused, simplified version of network configuration provided in Red Hat Linux 5 Deployment Guide [4].  Total time to completion is approximately 5 minutes.  Good luck!


On the Gnome panel, go System >  Administration > Network.

The Network Configuration tool appears. 

Select the Devices tab.  On this tab, select the target ethernet device, and then click the Edit button.  The Ethernet Device dialog appears.  On this dialog, select Statically set IP addresses, and then enter the IP data as appropriate.

Click OK.  The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Network Configuration tool.  On this tool, select the DNS tab.  Enter the fully qualified domain name for this machine.

From the File menu, select Save.  A prompt will appear.

Click OK, and then exit Network Configuration.  From the Gnome panel, go System > Administration > Server Settings > Services.

The Service Configuration tool appears.  Select the Background Services panel.  Scroll down this panel until you see the Network item.  Select this item.

Click the Restart button.  After a few moments, the service will restart and a prompt will appear.

Click OK.  Bring up the Network Configuration tool again.  Select the target ethernet device, and then select the DNS tab.

Enter the appropriate primary and secondary DNS server IP addresses, and a search path if available, and then click Save from the File menu.

Click OK at the prompt, and then exit.  Restart the Network service.  Then launch a browser to test.

This concludes this step-by-step walkthrough of CentOS network configuration.  Happy computing!

  1. How to configure network card in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora Core from CLI, Php2s.com, September 2, 2010.
  2. Howto Red hat enterprise Linux 5 configure the network card, Vivek Gite, nixCraft, April 10, 2007.
  3. Linux Network Configuration - Yolinux.com Tutorial
  4. Chapter 16. Network Configuration - Red Hat 5 Documentation